The Girl on the Train is a Bollywood crime thriller movie directed by Ribhu Dasgupta while produced by the Reliance Entertainment banner. The movie is based on British author Paula Hawkins’ 2015 debut novel of the same title. The film main leads Parineeti Chopra to play the role of an alcoholic divorcee who gets more involved in a missing person’s investigation. Aditi Rao, Kirti Kulhari, and newly introduces British actor Sammy Jonas Heaney as the supporting lead.
Parineeti Chopra told about her role in the movie, she planned to work extra hard to stay for this role. “England (where the shooting will take place) will become my university again. I will become a student because I am going to treat it like that to deliver the best possible performance,” the actress had said. Parineeti said the audience will see her in a different avatar with this film.
The Hollywood remake movie tells the story of an alcoholic woman who gets obsessed with a stranger and then gets involved in her investigation when she goes missing to realize the stranger has links to her past.
The Girl On The Train Full Movie Download
The girl on the train will officially release on Netflix on 26th February 2021. Those who don’t have access to Netflix can watch it on Filmywap as it leaks new releases. They can also download the movie from their website where they have made available the download links of the movie for offline viewing. you want know the latest Bollywood movies releasing in 2018.