Saturday Night is a 2022 Malayalam movie, directed by Rosshan Andrrews. The movie Saturday Night stars Nivin Pauly, Ajith Vinayaka,Naveen Bhaskar and Aju Varghese in the lead roles. Produced by Vinayaka Ajith under the banner of Ajith Vinayaka films, Saturday Night has Aslam K Purayil (Salute) as director of photography, Jakes Bejoy as composer, and T Shivanandeeswaran (Theeran Adhigaram Ondru) as editor. Here get the details about Saturday Night movie news and updates.
Movie News
The movie’s extended title is ‘Saturday Night with Kirukkanum Koottukaarum’. Written by Naveen Bhaskar, it has Nivin playing a character named Stanley. Sharing the first look poster on his social media, Nivin wrote, “Get ready for the madness and fun… Here comes Stanley & Friends. Presenting the first look poster of my next – Saturday Night. A beautiful tale of friendship, love, and laughter, directed by dear Rosshan Andrrews, written by Naveen Bhaskar.
Saturday Night Movie Trailer
The trailer that was released just recently shows a group of four close friends who go on a trip together and the journey they all ensue upon forms the story. It features glimpses of various mixes of emotions and feelings that captivate the audience given its upbeat background score and lovely visuals. Billed as a friendship drama, the film follows the escapade of four close friends. Their bond is broken after Saiju Kurup’s character gets unhappily married to Grace Antony’s character.
Movie Story
The trailer of ‘Saturday Night’, the new film from the Kayamkulam Kochunni combo of Nivin Pauly and director Rosshan Andrrews, will be out tomorrow at 7 PM. The makers had earlier released a teaser featuring Nivin, Aju Varghese, Siju Wilson, and Saiju Kurup as close friends. In the teaser, Siju was seen married to Grace Antony’s character against his wish. It kind of creates a rift in his friendship with the gang. The teaser ends with Nivin Pauly’s character Stanley walking out of the reception in anger. The trailer expected to give a better understanding of the characters and the story.
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