Pushpaka Vimanam Movie News, Trailer, and Release Date Information


Pushpaka Vimanam Movie

After middle class melodies Anad Devarkondas next movie Pushpaka Vimanam. The movie is directed by Damodar and produced by Anand Devarkondas’s brother Vijay Devarkonda. The movie stars Anand Devarakonda, Sanvee Meghna, and Geet Saini, Sunil, Naresh, and Kiriti Damaraju. This movie music is composed by  Ram Mirza.

Movie Plot

Anand Devarkonda plying to the surya in the movie. He looks good as a governament school teacher from East godavari. He as man ethics, standas and feelings charcter put him in an intresting situations. Anand Devarkonda performed the acting perfectly and able for his role.

Movie Trailer

On 30th October 2021 Allu Arjun relesed on  of Pushpaka Vimanam Movie teailer event. The video begains with Anands performnece of governament school teacher. He marrirs a girl she dosnt like him and and moves East godavari to Hydrabad and the story begains. He will doing  all hosehold activites as women, Later he will revoved finally his friends and family his wife run out from another man soon after they mirrage. What kind of problems his face secerete vof the story. The tariler got good responce from the audiance and got 3.4 miilion viwes in 3 days.

Also, Read: Vijay Devarakonda’s Upcoming Liger Movie Teaser and Release Date Details

Releas Date Details

Finally the Pushpaka Vimanam Movie announced the Releas Date Details. The movie has released on the occasion of Diwali Novmber 12 2021 in the theaters.


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