Most Eligible Bachelor is an upcoming Telugu romantic film written and directed by Bommarillu Bhaskar who is a comeback to Telugu movie after seven years while produced by Bunny Vas, Vasu Varma, and Allu Aravind under the banner GA2 Pictures. The movie stars Akhil Akkineni and Pooja Hegde while music was composed by Gopi Sundar. Most Eligible Bachelor movie is scheduled to release on the occasion of the Pongal festival in January 2021.
Starring Akhil Akkineni in the nominal job, the dominant part shoot of ‘Most Eligible Bachelor’ has been wrapped up before the lockdown. Holding fast to the standards and guidelines given by the administration, the last timetable of the sentimental performer has as of late continued in the city and the creators are presently canning scenes on Pooja Hedge. Akhil is required to join the group on September 20.
Cast & Crew
- Movie Name: Most Eligible Bachelor
- Director: Bhaskar
- Producer (s): Bunny Vas, Vasu Varma, and Allu Aravind
- Music Director: Gopi Sundar
- Cinematography: Pradeesh Varma
- Lead Roles: Akhil Akkineni and Pooja Hegde
- Production company: GA2 Pictures
Movie Trailer
Most Eligible Bachelor Songs
Manasa Manasa
Leharaayi song
Guche Gulabi Song
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