Maara is an upcoming Tamil romantic drama movie. It is directed by Dhilip Kumar debut this movie while produced by Prateek Chakravorty and Shruti Nallappa under the Pramod Films. The movie starring Madhavan, Shraddha Srinath, and Sshivada. The film’s music is scored by Ghibran. The Maara movie is scheduled to release through Amazon Prime Video on 8 January 2021.
The Marra trailer was released on December 29, 2021. The movie trailer gets a great response from the viewers, less than 48 hours the trailer gets 10 million views. It has reached more than 15 million-plus views on youtube. The film, starring Madhavan and Shraddha Srinath in the lead roles, will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on January 8.
The trailer introduces us to a young girl on the trail of a person, who apparently exists only in fairytales. The man of her dreams seems to have an itinerant lifestyle. He has no permanent address or a steady job. But, he seems to have a knack for enriching the lives of people that he comes across.
Maara is the remake of the Malayalam hit film Charlie, which was directed by Martin Prakkat. The 2015 film became a milestone in Dulquer Salmaan’s career as it became a huge hit critically and commercially. Director Dhilip Kumar earlier noted that Maara won’t be a scene-for-scene remake but a reinterpretation of Charlie.
Maara Movie News
Maara is a musical romance that will take you on a beautiful journey with Paaru who sees a fairy tale she heard from a stranger as a child. It is going to be a fairytale romance and will be interesting to see Madhavan and Shraddha sharing the screen space.
Madhavan’s One of the latest Tweet
You’re one click away from playing your favourite albums on loop. #MAARA full audio jukebox, out now! #MaaraOnPrime@dhilip2488 @ShrutiNallappa @desiboboprateek @ghibranofficial @pramodfilmsnew @primevideoIN @thinkmusicindia
— Ranganathan Madhavan (@ActorMadhavan) January 4, 2021