Love Story is an upcoming Telugu romantic drama movie and it was directed by Sekhar Kammula. The film stars Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi and both of them shared the screen for the first time. Narayan Das K Narang and Puskar Ram Mohan Rao had produced this film. Ch Pawan had composed music. The filmmakers had set to release on 16th April 2021.Sai Pallavi’s second film in collaboration with Director Sekhar Kammula’s after Fidaa. Below in this article, you can get Love Story Movie News, Teaser and Updates
Love Story Teaser
The filmmakers had recently released the teaser on 10th Jan 2021. By seeing the teaser we can notice that it is a beautiful lovely comedy movie. The teaser impresses the fans and it received a good response from the fans. It is also a top trending topic on youtube and it got 12M views.
In this teaser, we can observe the which rotated around two middle-class youngsters Monica and Revanth. This teaser shows, the Revanth is from a middle-class family he is a fitness trainer. Monica is also from a middle-class family she searching for an IT job and Who desires to earn their positions and they fall in love with each other. In the Love Story movie, we can see Naga Chaitanya as a Middle-class Telangana guy. By seeing the teaser Naga Chaitanya fans would be happy.
Here’s #Lovestoryteaser for you all … hope you enjoy the glimpse of this journey as much as I did ! 👉
.@sai_pallavi92 @sekharkammula@SVCLLP #AmigosCreations @AsianSuniel @pawanch19 @adityamusic @NiharikaGajula— chaitanya akkineni (@chay_akkineni) January 10, 2021